Why Sustainability and Eco Living?
Why Sustainability and Eco Living?
Why Sustainability and Eco Living?
The words sustainability and eco-friendly or eco-living are trending these days. But the bigger question is how many people know the appropriate meaning of these words? Seeing the current environment around us, it seems only pertinent that the masses at large should be made aware of these.
The present statistics reveal that the annual solid wastage generated by humankind globally has reached an alarming 2.01 billion tonnes. About 33% of this is not even managed suitably per the environment’s requirements. If this is not enough, studies reveal that by 2050, global waste will grow to an unbelievable 3.40 billion tonnes. Such numbers are not just sad but rather scary.
What are we heading for?
There is no denying the fact that we are all running a rate race in our lives. But the harmful effects our negligence to the environment has created are worth noticing. But we can’t be so busy that we fail to realize that we are damaging the environment in which we live. Let us see some of the things we are headed to if we do not take sustainability seriously yet.
- Increased health issues, particularly respiratory
- More landfills
- Deteriorating soil quality
- Extreme weather conditions (more heat in summers, more chills in winter, more storms)
- Rise in the sea level
- Diminishing greenery
- Reducing the distance between wildlife and humans due to the felling of trees
- Lack of natural beauty – lesser natural places for recreation
All of the above-mentioned means nothing less than an inferior living standard. So irrespective of the financial abilities of an individual, life will not be happy and satisfactory.
Hence our indifference to protecting the environment causes a twin negative effect – it ruins our planet, Earth, and consequently our lives. However, not everything is lost yet. There is still hope, and there is still time; for as they say, better late than never. But to be able to get back on track knowing sustainability is crucial.
Why maintain Sustainability?
It is not enough to know that one has to live a life by the standards of sustainability. It is important to why it is required. Let us take a look at the reasons why we ought to embrace sustainability.
- Preservation of our planet is a thing of prime importance that is achieved by living a sustainable life
- It is a major contributor is balancing the pollution levels of the environment and making it survival worthy
- By including sustainability in our lives we become conservers of our resources; there is less wastage and hence the availability of more resources.
- Helps massively in curbing energy usage and adding to the resources such as money as lower utility bills have to be paid
- Reducing the use of unhealthy hazardous materials such as plastic via sustainable practices creates a healthy environment for all and improves general public health.
- The cause of biodiversity is also leveraged with the movement of the masses to sustainability
- If channelized in the right way, sustainability also creates opportunities for jobs as and when people slowly move to use sustainable materials.
But fears are always best overcome when they are faced. It is still not too late; and as they say, better late than never! We must always look out for ways and means in which we can contribute towards the removal of such an unhealthy environment. We will not be far behind in recovering our healthy green planet.
We can start by being conscious and spreading the awareness of being conscious that we have limited resources. Therefore, we cannot afford to waste our resources. If and when we do so, it will have a boomerang effect and we will be the ones to experience the adverse effects of it.
Sustainability can be practiced at several levels. Preserving natural resources comes under the category of economic sustainability. Environmental sustainability refers to the protection and conservation of the environment around us. Social sustainability, contrastingly, talks about being mindful of not letting poverty infest society.
And for business owners such as us, there is the option of corporate sustainability. This focuses on two things – a business’s effect on the environment and also on society. It is the responsibility of businesses to ensure that they are able to bring a positive effect to society. That is exactly what we at Miimi Marraal have taken upon our shoulders. We have incorporated elements in our business that are eco-friendly and socially responsible in redeeming Mother Earth from further damage.
Remedy for Sustainability
Among the several ways of maintaining a sustainable life the easiest and the most effective way is a three-step process – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Wastage is a glaring problem in the global community, which is why it is important to reduce waste. Next, reusage of things curbs the issue of throwing away and wasting things. And finally, those things that are considered to be discarded must be recycled so that they can be used in another form at least.
These three Rs help manage waste and conserve our natural resources, which are unfortunately limited. It is the most fruitful way of staying from using plastic and being dedicated to using more eco-friendly materials. We should realize how harmful plastic is to not just our environment but also to our health. The banning of plastics for shopping has been a smart move to force people to stop and think about what we are doing towards maintaining the health of our environment.
It is time to switch to using more natural, non-toxic, and renewable materials as opposed to plastic and other similar hazardous material. It is thus that we at Miimi Marraal thought its only wise to make our child developmental products eco-friendly and suitable for toddlers. We understand that to bring about a sea change in making our planet more sustainable, the target area for change must be those who belong to our future.
It is thus, we are attempting to make our products in a way that anyone using them will feel closer to nature and develop a bond with 'Miimi Marraal' (Mother Earth). Especially kids at tender age, they get to know that they too have a responsibility of giving back to nature by not using things that are harmful to the planet.
The older generations must feel duty-bound in the upbringing of the future generations as responsible individuals and the true children of Mother Earth. We at Miimi Marraal are doing our bit and hope to see more individuals joining this march for a green revolution across the globe. Come, together let’s mend the broken bridge between Mother Earth and us to enter into a sustainable and greener world.